I'm almost finished my nu-Who marathon. Tonight I'll be watching Midnight with commentary, then on to the final disc of season 4 :) I'll have watched it all before Torchwood : Children of Earth kicks off next Monday. Absolutely cannot wait to see what this season brings, with a prime time spot on BBC 1 for a whole week. I have no doubt it will be amazing. Housemates have been warned not to so much as breath during it, on pain of death.
I've started to paint again. It's so good having the time for it again :)
Excuse the dates on them, they were in fact taken in mid 2008. The top one is an Ogre standard, the lower one is Khazarak the One Eye.
My next project is a dragon with an elf on his back :) My intentions are for a yellow/orange/red scheme.
For now, dinner bekons. More posting next week as Torchwood is shown :D